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Horror Bound is the “coziest” place to be a horror fan on the internet!
We believe in the positive review of everything - too much time, sweat, and tears goes into making content and we will be respectful of that. We want to create a safe space on the internet where you can read positive reviews of movies and books. Articles that weren't created for the click bait but for the honest to god love of horror.
If you would like your book reviewed please note the following ——
our review turnaround time is about 1 month as we are quite a small team
if you have a strict deadline for your book to be reviewed by, please give us more than a month’s notice
we cannot guarantee any reviews (we’re doing our best!)
we do not charge for reviews
If you would like to contact us to have your project reviewed or to be spotlighted/interviewed please email us at horrorboundblog@gmail.com
Copyright © 2024 Horror Bound, All rights reserved. - Any written content posted on this site is owned by Horror Bound and its writers.
Charlotte - Owner and Editor in Chief. She spends her time in Calgary never leaving her house and obsessively watching horror and reading. She’s been in love with horror since the tender age of 5 when she saw Jaws by accident on the TV. She’s written for Morbidly Beautiful, Addicted to Horror Movies, and Nightmare on Film Street. She’s also appeared on the podcast TGIF spotlighting one of her favourite horror movies; Ginger Snaps. Now she writes solely for her horror child - Horror Bound.
Dave - Writer/Site Administrator/Book Review Coordinator. Dave lives with his mutt Jaxson in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, home of George Romero’s Night of the Living Dead. Lover of all things horror. Currently working on his first horror novel, he teaches creative writing classes for the local community college’s community education. He has a knack for working in haunted places; or maybe it’s the spirits that are following him. Avid reader and listener of podcasts. Joined the Horror Writers Association after selling several stories to the Grey Rooms Podcast. Find him on twitter.
Joe - Writer/Senior Contributor. Joe is a horror writer with several short stories published and is currently looking for homes for his novels. He grew up reading John Bellairs as a kid and then graduated to Stephen King. It only got better (or worse) from there. He reads three or four horror novels a week and can’t wait to start the next one. Horror Writers Association member. You can find him on Twitter or on his author site
Doug - Writer/Senior Contributor. Doug Klein is a horror enthusiast and punk rocker from San Diego, CA. He has a true love of horror, especially the low budget B-horror masterpieces from the bargain bin. His writing usually reflects this, as it goes from the violent to the absurd. Anything from 80’s slashers to 50’s drive-in double features will always be well within his wheelhouse. You can find him on Twitter HERE
Bud - Writer/Senior Contributor. Bud is a father of 4 and a life long horror fan. When he's not driving his wife crazy by making her sit through an 80’s horror movie with a $3 budget, he's deep in a YouTube rabbit hole looking at the next wild conspiracy theory. You can follow him on twitter and Letterboxd and stay tuned to our youtube page every Halloween when he does the chaotic series; 31 days of horror films.
Andrew “The Weirdling” Glos - Writer. When Andrew was six weeks old, his parents toted him in a carrier to see Jaws. While drooling in his mother’s arms and listening to the sweet sounds of a shark chomping on live human meat, he was hooked. He’s been watching and reading scary, spooky, creepy, gory, weird stuff ever since. He specializes in horror with Lovecraftian as well as religious themes. Andrew is pictured above at the grave of H. P. Lovecraft. He’s the one above ground. You can follow him on twitter HERE.
Samantha - Writer/Senior Contributor. Samantha hails from Calgary, Alberta where she enjoys hiking and camping during the summer and fall. For the colder nine months of the Albertan calendar, she stays in with books, comics, movies, and video games. She was first inspired by horror when she stumbled across an illustrated version of Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Masque of the Red Death” in her elementary school library. Since then, her passion continued to blossom for anything evil, demonic, haunted, and creepy. Today she devours horror fiction and writes earnest reviews on Goodreads and you can follow her on Twitter and Instagram.