Road Trip Z - Terrifying New Zombies and Gore!
In honor of this being my first book review for Horror Bound, I thought I would give you a little insight on my past and why I chose this book. Like all teenagers, I believed that I needed people to know everything about me by looking at my outfit. I wore my Romero shirts with pride. I took every opportunity in creative writing classes to tell scary stories, mostly involving zombies. Because of this, I was known as the Zombie Girl. Sounds pretty cool, huh? The other students did not think so. They meant it as “freak” and therefore, I was made fun of many times. Imagine how angry I was later when a certain AMC show became the most popular show on television. Alas, I was ahead of the times.
I dressed like this for my parent's company Halloween party. I put scab gel all over one side of my face which was hell to remove!
Why was I obsessed with zombies? Well, for starters, I grew up on scary movies. My parents would expect me to fall asleep while I could hear the X Files theme song playing in the next room. Hello, nightmares! I have always craved the spooky things this world has to offer. I believe that zombies are the ultimate scare because they make us question our beliefs in the afterlife. Every religion has its own idea of what happens when we die. Zombies throw all those ideals away and say that instead of some peaceful afterlife, we will be doomed to hell on earth to devour the flesh of the living until someone destroys our brain. Also, no one loves the idea of trying to attack your loved ones as a zombie or having to take care of your loved one becoming a zombie.
Showing my love for Shaun of the Dead
Road Trip Z by M. P. Norman is an exciting take on the classic zombie story. A group of survivors are doing their best to survive and find someplace safe. A lone radio DJ has alerted them to a safe haven in Portland where food, water and shelter are available. The group has been burned before and desperately hopes that they can finally relax upon arrival. Directed by leader, Carl, the team is mostly young with little experience in weaponry. Fortunately, they come across wise, Deckard. With his Marine history and skill set, the survivors feel like they just might make it.
In my opinion, the most important part of a zombie book…are the zombies! Duh! So what kind of zombies does Road Trip Z give us? Turns out, three different kinds. They have your classic, NOTLD shufflers. Annoying but easily outrun. Fast running zombies inspired by 28 Days Later. And lastly, a mutated version called Creeps. As if the living dead weren’t scary enough, Norman has evolved the genre by giving these zombies dislocating jaws and extra rows of sharp teeth. If you are squeamish about gore, the book does a good job of giving information without making you feel nauseous. Norman also doesn’t take the whole thing too seriously, which can ruin your day faster than a bite to the arm!
While I have grown up, my love for zombies will always remain. If this rings true for you, check out this book. The author has already been hard at work on another in the series which will be out later this year. I look forward to finding out how our survivors fare as they dive deeper into the world of zombies.
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