Soaking in Strange Hours - Poetic Prose at its best
I’ve been lucky enough to read a few new releases from Erik Hofstatter over the past few years and the word that always comes to mind when I read his work is poetic. If there was a combination of prose and poetry, Hofstatter (along with a few other writers I can think of) would embody it.
Yes you’re reading a short story but there is more to it than just the story. The way Hofstatter writes—separate from the plot—pulls you through and makes you want to keep going. He does this again skillfully in Soaking in Strange Hours.
This is a short story, so I won’t got too much into the plot but needless to say it is the kind of thing I’ve come to expect from Hofstatter. The language is both grimey and beautiful, dark and clean. The story revolves around Tristan Grieves and a girl named Lieane. It is very much a love story but also much more. This is well worth the read if you’re looking for a story that will make you think.
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