Farallon Island - Isolation Horror!
Set in the Prohibition era, Nate and his pregnant wife are trying to escape the busy city life. Nate has an ugly past and he just wants to raise his child in a peaceful environment. He was in the right place, at the right time when an opportunity arises that will take him to an island to work as a lighthouse keeper. There is only an occasional boat to drop off supplies and a handful of fellow lighthouse keepers with their families. What could go wrong? Unknown to Nate, there has been an evil force unleashed on the island.
Farallon Island is the epitome of an isolated environment story. The lack of technology in the time period pushes this even further. This was an eerie story and very unsettling. Everyone on the island is at risk, even the children. Russell James pulls no punches with his historical horror story. Give this a try if you want a quick, creepy read with historical fiction aspects.
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