Rejects - A Collection of Rejected Stories by Alyanna Poe
When Alyanna Poe sent me the short story Waterin’ Corpses to get a taste of her new book Rejects, my blurb on it was: a demented, gothic tale with sinister veins that leaves you feeling like you just enjoyed a Tim Burton short film in your mind.
At that point, I couldn’t wait to get my hands on the entire collection, and I was lucky enough to get an ARC from Alyanna… although I did decide to purchase a signed copy for my collection after I finished it, as well.
First off, I love the cover. Not only does it exemplify all the different faces/personalities that authors wear to create various stories and characters (discarded on the ground to show the ‘rejected’ ones), but it ended up pertaining directly to the short story A Violent Disposition as well. That was very cool. Did I mention she designed the cover herself? And that it’s actually her on the cover? This author works hard. She is also related to Edgar Allan Poe, which explains the evident talent within the horror genre.
These stories are all very fun. They’re exclusively horror, which I love. Each one is a length that is easily read within a short period of time, which is great for when you are craving bite-sized horror on a busy schedule. My favorite stories in the collection were Brooding Muses and The Screaming Woman. Both played on the darkness from the characters’ pasts and what mentally ill ways it can come back to haunt the present.
This book comes out February 8th, 2022, and I definitely recommend that you take the time to pick up a copy and support Alyanna Poe. She’s going places and has a writing style with a gothic flourish that is not to be missed.